What's next? A Winter of Work



Now that my Golden Egg hood has been presented, it is time to drink a cup of coffee and think about the winter ahead.  Large projects, small projects, service projects; Much to do between now and June!

Pimp My Campsite

Pimp my Campsite is a continuation of the Pimp my Bedchamber project I completed for the Double Wars event in 2017.  I will continue to use the constraints of airline baggage allowances (2 suitcases + carryon), but this time around I have my own tent!  These strict limitations will force me to hone what is genuinely needed of equipment and clothing.  But now I also get to bling out a tent SCA-style with inspiration from historic manuscripts, Northern Norway and my personal heraldry.  My sister-in-shenanigans, Tamara Samuilova, and I will be each doing our own take on this project, and I am excited to see how persona interpretations inform our choices.  Good thing Double Wars isn’t until the end of May!

Herald in Charge for Spring Crown Tourney

I have agreed to take the role of Herald in Charge for Drachenwald Spring Crown Tournament at the beautiful Rockelstad Castle in late March.  This is a first for me, and I anticipate that the learning curve will be steep.  On the other hand, Drachenwald has an excellent group of experienced heralds, so time to take the leap!  First up: get my hands on The Spreadsheet.


This will be the greatest challenge, but it is absolutely time to get back in the habit.  I’ve got more process information to share from Golden Egg.  Then there’s the other projects in the queue.  In this section I’ll also add the never-ending task of updating the website.  As the content grows, I want to make it easier for visitors to find content of interest. 

Ingen tanke er tenkt før den er støpt i ord.

(No thought has been conceived before it has been cast in words.)
— Inge Lønning

Small Projects

Each of the larger projects is, of course, a series of smaller projects, some essential (like the tent), and others optional (decorations).  I’d like to make a Panache belt, with inspiration from Catherine Weaver.  My duty as Admiral to the Drachenwald Navy requires producing largess.  Then there’s the mending, and finishing of UFOs, more projects waiting to jump up and yell SQUIRREL!… No end of fun stuff to choose from!

Falling down rabbit holes is a genuine danger, resulting in failure to complete anything.  Inge Lønning once said Ingen tanke er tenkt før den er støpt i ord (No thought has been conceived before it has been cast in words).  Wise words to consider while I have pretty visions of my future camp dancing in my head.  I think some thorough brainstorming needs to happen over this next week to frame these projects in manageable terms.  Time to break out the notebooks!


  • Catherine Weaver’s Blog (http://www.tabletweavingintheoryandpractice.co.uk/)

  • Double Wars event website (http://doublewars.org/)

  • The Drachenwald Navy, Church Tax and Paying Dues (http://www.morethancod.net/thrums-threads-and-thoughts-for-thora/2017/6/5/the-drachenwald-navy-church-tax-and-paying-dues)

  • Pimp my Bedchamber: Glamping at DW XXX (http://www.morethancod.net/thrums-threads-and-thoughts-for-thora/2017/6/3/pimp-my-bedchamber-glamping-at-dw-xxx)

  • Rockelstad Castle in Sweden (http://www.rockelstad.se/)